Jobs and Economic Development
We’ve faced the challenges of stereotypes for generations. While we can’t change all perceptions, we can control our destiny by enacting incentives and initiatives that allow for economic growth.
I am completely in favor of tax-based incentives for employers to train their potential and current workforce to better their productivity and careers. I believe that a true partnership between education and workforce will lead to outstanding opportunities for not only our young people but our current workforce. The true integration between employers, Marshall University, Mountwest Community and Technical College, Cabell & Wayne County Schools and the other training institutions in our region will lead to impressive results.
Drug Use
Our region is faced with one of the worst epidemics in our history when it comes to drug abuse. We’ve always been known as a safe area and I want to do all that I can to keep it that way. We must empower our law enforcement officials with the tools, training and resources they need to fight this challenge. We must also continue education and efforts in our schools and social programs about the effects of drug abuse. And finally, we have to fight these out of state drug dealers and let them know that they’re not welcome here.
Business climate
It’s time to take control of the issues that we face as a community. We need to have leadership at the state level that is pro-business. I am that leader. I believe that we, as a state, do not provide enough incentive for a business to not only locate here but to prosper here. We need to change that. We can remove the hurdles that keep our business sectors from performing. Taxation is out of control and not consistent. Our labor force needs to be trained and available. Our incentive-based structure needs to be evident and promoted. We can make a difference.
Health and wellness
I am a medical doctor. I focus on the challenges that relate to gastroenterology. I see people every day that need help. We need to create a healthier society and we can do it with education and action. The many health care facilities, professionals and organizations in our state should partner to become a vehicle for engagement of our citizens. As a physician, I can take the lead on this challenge and welcome the opportunity.